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5 key skills required for Business Analyst

5 key skills required for Business Analyst

The job of a Business Analyst is not only to know the essence of the project. They also need to possess various hard and soft skills. Today, we discuss the top skills required for Business Analysts that can lead an organization to achieve its objectives.

Technical Knowledge

Steve Jobs once said, “People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint.” Though he may have been hitting Microsoft. So, he also emphasized that even the most convincing salespeople and the best presentations can’t make up for a lack of knowledge. But the hard skills such as knowing finance and math and being able to find your way around spreadsheets speak for themselves. You don’t need to be a computer programmer, financial expert, or math genius, but having a general knowledge of these subjects is invaluable for a BA.

Attention to Detail

When it comes to analyzing data, the devil is in the details. While generalizations and thinking in the big picture are major themes in business, this does not apply to data analysis or business analytics. Being able to juggle several projects at once and also being able to stay focused and aware of the details of every project is difficult even for the most experienced business analysts. If you begin your career with acute attention to detail, you are starting on the right foot, but this skill can also be developed through training.

Effective Communication

Of course, you know what you’re talking about. But how do you make your manager understand what you’re talking about if they don’t have the same technical skills as you? That is where communicational skills come in. Once you have finished gathering and sorting data, isolating problems, and creating solutions, it is time to present your solution. You aren’t just explaining your ideas, you are supporting your conclusions and solutions. Writing a report or presentation tests your technical skills, so be sure to hone these skills as well.

Critical Thinking

Not surprisingly, the most important skills for Business Analysts are analytical ability. Studying and understanding trends in data are the basis for all of the changes which a business analyst enacts. What are analytical skills? Simply put, analytical skills are skills that enable you to use critical thinking to find simple solutions for complicated problems. Making correlations, running diagnostics, interpreting data, and prioritizing problems are all types of analytical skills. The responsibility of fixing business systems is huge. So critical thinking helps you make informed decisions about the future of an organization.


Sometimes all the critical thinking, math, and communication skills can’t compare to a random burst of creativity. Having the confidence to generate effective novel solutions is an important skill for a business analyst. Not only does creativity boost productivity, but it also creates a healthier workplace and inspires your coworkers. Having creativity doesn’t mean that every idea you have is completely new. It means that you are able to think outside the box when an opportunity arises. The main tools necessary for Business Analysts to become successful are creating ideas or finding ways to creatively present ideas.

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